Caution: Thanktimony ensues.

Thanks to the admonishment of a certain General Authority, that caused me and my General Conference Buddy to go into fits of giggles because of the irony of it all, I am currently printing a follow-up blog to my post “All the Women that I am Not.”
            This General Conferencer suggested that we stop looking to the media to define our self worth as women. I wonder if he read my blog.
            So here it is, the list of women I actually ought to try to be–All the women (or actually a very small but important compilation) that actually matter:
Jess–whose style and beauty pretty much floors me on a regular basis, and who could take an Econ test better than the professor that wrote it.
And Kristin: Who is already a better mom than most mom’s in the whole world, even though she doesn’t have any kids yet. Who makes self sacrifice seem second nature. 
This girl, Kelsey– Who not only put in service time in India, but actually continues to serve those sweet kids on this continent, despite a monstrously busy schedule.
This girl, Amanda, who is full of stories and life, who gives generously and won’t let people push her around.
This fine lady, who bravely pursued a big girl job in California.
These girls, who might be mad at me for including this picture, but who constantly bring life and color to dull situations, or who are the life of the party even in really fun situations.
Miss Chloe Noelle, who has struck the delicate balance between hilarity and sensitivity, whose dulcet tunes lull me to sleep at night. Who has helped me distinguish the difference between Cool-Lame, and Lame-Cool, and Sugar Pee and Water Pee.
This little wordsmith who is small in stature but mighty in writing. 
This talented mother, who gives great advice, manages a loving and crafty home, and makes the best desserts you’ve ever eaten.
This hilarious sister of mine, who is one step away from being a published writer, and no steps away from being an accomplished couponer.
This lady who taught me everything I know, and who knows everything, and who is always right, and who can do everything in high heels yet.
And I guess it would kinda like to be like me. I guess that would not be so bad.

  1. Apr 09, 2010

    Aww, that's nice. I want to be just like that last one…

  2. Apr 11, 2010

    I love you Sierra. I love the way you write and how you convey your thoughts. I like the pic of you at the end. Awesome. Do you have myspace? I think it would be a swell profile pic.

  3. Apr 11, 2010
    Kels H.

    I like this a lot, Sierra, & I'm honored to make the list. I'm in great company. & I really like you as you (though I do think you would have made an awesome Hermione <3).

  4. Jul 10, 2010

    Haha, I finally remembered to look up your blog, only to find THIS?? I'm flattered to be included but, c'mon…

    No, but seriously, I love your blog! You are truly a gifted writer. And you've inspired me to keep up with mine more faithfully. you should 'follow' me! (I think that's the cool blogging lingo)
