Tag: Chicago
Sleepy Chicago
Posted onToday I woke myself up early so I could spend one of my last full days in Chicago completely devoted to writing. So I sauntered to the nearest Starbucks, because sadly it’s the quaintest coffee shop I could find in the area, and then I realized–I’ve never been outside so early in Chicago before.
And I wish I had sooner because the city sounds pretty in the morning. The cars are fewer, more patient. The rumble of big engines isn’t yet warm or confrontational. There’s still some hustle, but definitely less bustle.
I remind myself that though I’ve been sleeping in quite late this summer, I’m a morning girl. I like the composure, the potential of the morning. Chicago wakes up one eye at a time and I think that’s beautiful.
I will miss it here.
Our Festive Fourth
Posted onI haven’t been terribly homesick since I got to Chicago, but today I found myself a little achey–not just from all the walking.
I missed Utah. I missed my Sugar House neighborhood parade. And I missed all the Republican Patriots! No one really sported the old Red White and Blue. I missed the local marching bands and the musics and the glow sticks and the kids with streamers on their bikes. I could not track down a single piece of salt water taffy.
Thank you for the Fireflies.
Posted onTo My Father in Heaven,
Thank you for fireflies. I am not sure what their specific ecological function is or if you put them on earth just to make me happy, but I am especially glad they are here.
The Redesign
Posted on“Don’t put too much pressure on this next post,” Jeremy wisely counseled last night after correctly reading my body language. Sometimes it is downright irksome that he can read my thoughts before they are corporeal or even conceived. To him, I’m not just an open book—I’m an open book with big print, Braille underneath, and pictures on the side.
Observations: A Brief Foray into Parenthood
Posted onWhen I told my dad that Jeremy and I got called to the Nursery, my dad issued a trademark Tom chortle, a little too “knowing” for my liking.
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I will not implode today…
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We Out-Funned Ourselves
Posted onSo, I get it, finally! I’ve been baffled by the “Travelog photo dump blogs.” Blogs are about writing, Not about dumping photos! That’s what Facebook is for, I thought. Yet by the end of the day, you are so proud of your travels and so exhausted that you don’t have the mental stamina to write something clever about them, and tagging sounds too tiring. So we photo dump. And I am going to assume that this is for posterity and close family members because… I don’t typically like anyone else’s photo dump blogs. Furthermore, I have never liked the word Dump, so I am going to call this a “Enlightening Photo Essay.” Much more enticing than Travelog Photo Dump, right?
So here we are:
Notice that I carefully selected my most “Art Muesemy” shirt possible. Don’t I just look like a curator? Renoir On The Terrace |
Searching for our soul a la Cameron Frye. Georges Seurat, Sunday Afternoon in the Isle of La Grande Jatte. |
Claude Monet, Bridge over a Pond of Water Lillies |
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Claude Monet, The Artist’s House at Argenteuil |
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Renoir said painting flowers was a mental vacation, or something like that. Thought it sounded litt |
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Without people cluttering it up. |
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van Gogh, The Bedroom. |
Jeremy creates a cyclone. |
Ah, yes, the bouncy balls. Something about Wind Resistance or something… Science…. |
Lighting! I guess you can make lightning now a days but it has to be incredibly loud. |
Jeremy has another dream in life. To build a train track as cool as this. |
This is the view from Museum Campus, where the aquarium is. |
After feeling self-conscious about the Sierra photo disaster of the Science and Industry Museum, I felt desperate to get a good picture up. |
Oh good, more jellies. |
I was most excited about the otter, and he was so cute! But I couldn’t get great pics. So here is your otter pic. |
Don’t know too many aquariums with DOLPHINS! |
I love it when they swim upside down. |
We couldn’t tell if he was posing for the Paparazzi (us) or “flipping” us off… get it… ’cause he has flippers… |
By far the most interesting fish. It’s little fins moved like moth wings! It was about the two inches and we loved it. |
Here’s another picture to show favoritism. |
Though we actually liked this frog quite a bit too. |
One night we used one of our wedding gift certificates to get some cheesecake. This skirt, sadly, just won’t work in the windy city. Almost had some Marilyn Monroe moments. |
The Bean, or The Cloud Gate has probably been one of my favorite things so far. It is a big, mirror landmark in the middle of Millenium Park, and it reflects the whole city. Incredibly cool. |
We then took a series of silly fun pictures in front of the Bean, because that is what you do there. |
A very nice Iranian woman took this picture for us. She was there with her husband and adorable child. And though I didn’t know her well, I could tell we would have been friends. |
She took this one too. |
Guess what: Hair doesn’t stay super curled in Chicago. |
Getting tired of the captions. |
The Fern Room. There was a nice water fall. |
Here it is. |
The astute viewer will notice that I am wearing the same outfit two days in a row. I do not have a defense for this. That is what I did. |
I Don’t Hate This City.
Posted onSo… carting around four ridiculously over-packed suitcases, a backpack laden with more reading material than a small library, and a purse that could fit Bambi in it across the Orange Line of the Chicago trains was awful…Or it would have been if it wasn’t so gosh darn exciting.
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This is our little apartment. We’re used to “little” with our apartments, so we actually like it a lot. |
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This is the beautiful view from our apartment. Which car is your favorite? |
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Our generously-sized closet. When you only pack 1/6 of your wardrobe, you’d be surprised how much mess you don’t make. |
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I’m just mostly thrilled by the prospect of a $9 sundae. No really, these were magnificent. |
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If you can see the chocolate in this picture, you win! Actually, if you can taste the chocolate in this picture, you win. Which means, I win. |
Mandatory Skyline Picture. |
Because none of the other pictures really proved I am in Chicago. |