I just went to my very first movie by myself, and I’m sitting on my bed now, listening to “She’s got you high,” off the (500) Days of Summer soundtrack and ripping open my box of “Buncha CRUNCH” TM, and licking the chocolate off the box seams, and wondering how in the hell am I supposed to respond to this? Going to a movie by yourself seems to connote one of two things in American society: 1) Either you are so self-confident and/or pretentious that movie-going with a companion is so beneath you because they can’t possibly understand the complexity of the themes the film presents or B) you’re so lonely you can’t even muster up one companion to join you at the latest blockbuster, or in my case, burgeoning indie-flick. That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy my own blissful box of Buncha Crunch, or that I didn’t laugh at elements of the plot that might be considered socially unacceptable, or that I didn’t still get annoyed at the people walking out of the theater at the climax of the movie, especially because it was only mildly offensive. But overall, I must confess that the movie-going experience is just not the same without having someone beside you to brush buttery knuckles with in the popcorn bag (which are five dollars these days). Something about seeing this particular movie, or something about seeing this particular movie by myself has made me curl into my nearest Teddy Bear and sob off all of my synthetic eyelashes into his synthetic bear fur.
Posted on Not to be didactic, vague, or overly-personal/self-revealing/whiney/all of the freaking above, but the point of my blog today is this: Don’t see a movie by yourself unless you are in category 1, and not category B. You will end up with a ripped up box of Buncha Crunch.
Aww! I love you! And you are SO not in category B.
[and I really need to see that movie. did you like it?]
I'm sad you didn't enjoy it, Sierra.
There must be a category III because I like going to dollar movies alone* sometimes when I have unexpected free time and there's a movie I've wanted to see, and it's only a dollar (actually, it's usually more like $2 these days, but close enough), and Janssen's out of town or totally not interested in the movie.
*I'd always rather Janssen be there, but going alone is a second option. That's all I'm driving at.