I told him I would see him soon. I patted his shoulder because he was too frail for a hug, and I told him I would see him soon. And I genuinely thought I would. I thought I would be back next weekend so I could pat his shoulder and put chapstick on his chapped lips, and that I could keep telling him weekend after weekend how much I loved him and that I would see him soon.
Today my Grandpa Tom died, so I won’t be seeing him tomorrow, or next weekend, or next year. For me, it won’t be soon when I see him again. But the marvelous thing about the plan of salvation, is that for him, I won’t have backed out on my promise. For him, by the time I see him, it really will be soon.
Sierra, sympathy notes always seem a little trite to me–that they never adequately address what the mourner is feeling or express what the giver is trying to say. But all the same, know that I'm thinking of you. And that you, your family, and Grandpa Tom are in my prayers tonight.
Love you much.
Thinking of and praying for you! Let me know if there is anything I can do!