Dear Mr. Chinese Computer posting spam on my blog.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Aug 03, 2010
Go to settings from your dashboard, click on the comments tab and then find where it says "Who can comment?" and select registered users. That should stop them. If you want anonymous people to be able to comment, at least scroll down to "Show word verification for comments" and make sure that you've selected yes. You're welcome, DJ
Go to settings from your dashboard, click on the comments tab and then find where it says "Who can comment?" and select registered users. That should stop them. If you want anonymous people to be able to comment, at least scroll down to "Show word verification for comments" and make sure that you've selected yes.
You're welcome, DJ
And here I thought you spoke mandarin and had friends in China…
~just some blog crush
嗯~蠻不錯耶~~我喜歡 ∩ 3∩............................................................