Usually, in February, the cold fronts—metaphorical and physical—start to move in. Big frosty waves amble across the airwaves, glittering on our car windows and haunting our brittle bones. The snow is incarcerating, the frost taste-able, and the clouds enveloping. But I’m finding, the most frustrating thing about Cold in February is that it is typically more of an emotional personality rather than a state of physical temperament.
But even though today, February 1, is probably one of the coldest days of the year, I’m finding that February Cold is losing conviction, giving way to temptations, and having something of a love affair with Warming Trends. Thus, my emotional forecasting is predicting: temperate.
Though I like to think I project outward warm waves, I know that internally when I decide to let someone in, there’s some inner-ice that needs to be broken.
I suppose, this February evening, I am grateful for those people who suit up, buckle down, and ice skate across my inner-ice, turning my soul into hot chocolate. So thanks to these special people; you’re the reason for my unseasonable warming trend.

  1. Feb 02, 2011
    Kels H.

    I just miss you.

  2. Feb 02, 2011

    "Skating on Sierra's Soul" A great name for a reality TV show.

  3. Feb 03, 2011

    I love this post & remembering all your dark Februarys & knowing about the ice-build-up–makes me appreciate those ice-skaters all the more
