Today I am going to reward myself for waking up earlier than I had to by writing a blog.
This blog is about Wren.
I don’t know Wren very well; in fact,we’ve only ever met once, but Wren is an inspiration, my latest hero, and if nothing else, Wren deserves a blog.
Wren is taking Arabic.
Wren used to be a doctor.
Wren wears a stunning green plaid polyester jacket with a tie to school every day.
And an old man cap.
Which is appropriate, because Wren is Eighty-Seven years old.
Allie introduced me:
“This is Wren,” she said. “He is 87 years old, and he is taking Arabic.”
…At which all of the wrinkles in his perfect face defied all sorts of gravity laws by dancing into a grin.
“Aren’t I stupid?” He asked, chuckling a slow chuckle.
“On the contrary,” I replied. “You are very smart, and still quite stylish.”
I don’t know why, but I just got the feeling that Wren was recently widowed. I pictured him each morning over a lonely bowl of cereal, straightening his tie and shining his shoes, because classy is the only appropriate attire for school—or at least that’s how it was back in his day. Allie later confirmed: “His wife died eight months ago. He is a retired doctor and is trying to stay busy. He is hoping to go over and be a doctor in the Middle East now.”
I call for a Hurrah for Wren! Hurrah for a man who takes on such a difficult class! Hurrah for a man that loved his wife so much that he needed such heavy distraction. Hurrah for a man of courage,  a man who truly understands “Go Forth to Serve.” And Hurrah for Green Plaid Polyester Jackets too.

Hurrah for you, Wren. Hurrah for you.

  1. Mar 29, 2011

    Love this. Cute old men are the best, and wow, what a classy guy! Did you say eight-seven? And he wants to go be a doctor in the middle east? Who does that?!

  2. Mar 29, 2011
    Allison Buckner

    Sierra I love your blog! You are seriously such a great writer! Also I love old men 🙂 My favorite thing to do when I go to the USU campus gym is to watch all the 75+ men playing basketball. It just brightens my day

  3. Apr 10, 2011

    Tell Wren I can find him a spot at the best hospital here. The Middle East needs him, for sure!
