Today was one of those days where, even though nothing is wrong, everything is wrong! Not in a real way, just in a make-believe, I’m sorta grumpy way. My friend Elly put it nicely last night when she said that, Autocorrect is her second most enemy. She then showed me, with pictorial evidence what her first most nemesis was, which was the garbage truck. I was too tired to ask why, but it did get me thinking today about the things that have been my nemeses today.
They are as follows:
The fact that wearing jackets backwards is no longer socially acceptable, so I have to take off my backpack, set it down, put on my jacket for the three minute walk to the Wilk, pick my heavy backpack back up and put it on, only to repeat the process as soon as I get inside the wilk.
People who bring their boats to campus.
“Rolling in the Deep” by Adele
The fact that all my cool Colorado-ness that I spent years acquiring seems to deplete because of my new license plates.
Alright, dear readers, my list of first world problems ends here for now. Tell me you have some Nemeses too?
Also, just a reminder to all you other grump frumps out there.
Sierra. Remember me when you're famous okay? Because you're really funny. SRSLY.
Noo!! Your car got Utah plates?! It doesn't look like your car anymore!
P.s. Great job summing up causeless grumpiness. I especially struggle with the Richard Simmons of the world when in this mood, and what a great embodiment he is of annoying cheeriness. Well chosen.
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I totally know how you feel. It's called a sneaky hate spiral. Here's the definition from the hilarious blog Hyperbole and a Half: