Lately Jeremy’s been playing me this little lullaby to lull me to sleep, which usually helps me wake up on the right side of the bed. Several mornings ago, I woke up holding Jeremy’s hand. I don’t know who initiated the hand-holding session, but I felt perfectly romantic and a little bit like Ron and Hermione when they fell asleep holding hands in the seventh Harry Potter. And I apologize for another “Now I’m married OMG OMG blog” but being married is still such a novelty to me, and it’s like I got the holographic Charmander, so naturally I need to talk about it.
Waking up hand-in-hand is sublime. You feel like you’ve just dreamed an epic adventure together. I think one of the best parts of being married is The Morning Cuddle (and no, this is not a euphemism). When sleep has healed the wounds of last nights’ homework. When you can’t yet remember the ever-generating To Do list for the day. Where you can just tangle your knees together and transform into awake-ness, slowly and gradually and with a friend who wants you to stay in the covers just as badly as you want yourself to stay.
Jeremy, can we still cuddle when we’re old?

  1. Sep 30, 2011

    It's Chari- ZARD, Sierra. pshh…

  2. Sep 30, 2011

    Oh my goodness. Cutest post ever. I don't mind if you write sappy married posts if they're as cute as that!

  3. Oct 01, 2011

    I love that you used the words "holographic charmander". Even if Jeremy is right… Charizard was way more rare. Funny side note, I was actually talking with some coworkers last week about Charizard. Kind of a bizarre coincidence, seeing how the last time Pokemon crossed my mind was, oh, ten years ago?

  4. Oct 01, 2011

    Thank you Jeremy. That was the first thing I thought of.
