I never was much of an actor in high school, and people tire of hearing about it. I was just a little girl with such ambitions, and probably a little case of big britches. I knew I wasn’t good enough to be a famous actor, so I decided to conquer the world in other ways.
I seldom get jealous, but I will admit, as all my friends flock to the coasts and pursue their post-graduate careers, sometimes little demons of envy poke their pitchforks in the pit of my stomach. I have so many friends having success in the actor-realm, who are truly brave enough to live their bicoastal dreams. I have friends doing internships with Big Deal Art Curators in Santa Barbara and Big Name Magazines in New York. And here I sit, in Little Old Utah not graduating yet and working at a restaurant.
I’m jealous because I’m impatient. 
I want it to be my turn for a big, exciting career. 
There is this obnoxious worldly part of me that recognizes that I’m not getting any name recognition right now, I’m not building my ultimate awesome resume, and I’m not adding tremendously to my arsenal of talents at the moment. I’m not making any effort to go after my personal career goals, and for that reason, sometimes it feels like they are passing me by. And you know what, it’s all my fault! If I really want to do something, then I’ve really got to do something, right?!
So I am beginning today, truly and zealously pursuing one of my biggest dreams: I am going to finish my novel. I am going to force myself to write something every single day, even if my muse is not cooperating with me. Even if it’s just a paragraph per day. Because that is something that I can do. And I don’t have to be on a coast to do it. 
Does anyone have any tips on how to stay motivated, and… you know… finish something? 

  1. Jul 04, 2011

    Yes! Read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Small, lovely, and (mostly) cuts through the crap.

  2. Jul 05, 2011
    Kels H.

    Give yourself a deadline. Otherwise, you could end up with a looooooong string of daily paragraphs. Also, if you need some inspirational fluff, "A Room with a View" is gorgeous.

  3. Jul 17, 2011

    Keep thinking about where you want to end up..if you want to be a famous novelist you have to work for it. Remembering that that's your ultimate goal (or writing something important, or whatever) will help when you just don't want to write. Good luck, and let us read it when you finish!

  4. Jul 20, 2011

    your time will come, sierra! you're a talented lady. excited to be following your blog and to be hearing about your (nearly) married life!!!

  5. Jul 20, 2011

    Do it babe. I will read that novel for sure. And I know how you feel a little–being left behind is hard. You'll do incredible things though.

    p.s. Loved your wedding invite. You look beautiful!
