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I realized tonight, while hunting for a pen, that somewhere in the dusk of recent memory, I’d replaced my journals with planners. I’d had every intention of making a tidy square in tomorrow’s box that I could check off as soon as I bathed Maeby. But my epiphany gave me pause. I stopped. I took a mental inventory: on the wanting scale, how badly did I want to bathe Maeby, or rather, how badly did I want to write in my planner that I needed to bathe Maeby?

Oh, hey Maeby Baby.

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After a pleasant evening and a rough morning, I came out of the bathroom to find Maeby, our newest family member, snuggled in the crook of Jeremy’s torso and knees. She was the curious kind of calm we’re coming to expect from her at this point. She was accepting Jeremy’s sleepy pats with gratitude, and, without stirring, lest she wake him too significantly, she invited me into their cuddle.