I’m afraid my in-laws are in for a surprising treat: I am an over-sharer. I can’t help it. It’s genetic. I hold to the theory that if something embarrassing happens to you, you must immediately inform six of the nearest passer-bys, and then blog about it in order to alleviate humiliation. So frequently I do “over-share.” You may reference the following blogs for proof.
So with that forewarning in place, I want to warn the masses, but most especially my in-laws, that a blog about my experience at the lady doctor’s is soon to come.
Please still love me after.   

  1. Jun 08, 2011
    Annette Dawn

    Ok isn't it about time for a new post 🙂 I know you're life is full of exciting things!

  2. Jun 24, 2011

    I second Annie! We can take it Sierra!:)
