I’m finally hardcore.

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You must understand: I am a pansy.  I have reason to suspect that I am cold-blooded. I am always cold if the thermometer drops below 70 degrees. And even sometimes if it is 70 degrees, my feet are typically cold anyways.
So whenever I see a “hardcore jogger” jogging in any sort of inclement weather, I give them a vicarious shudder from my passing car, and burrow deeper into my sweater.
However, since it’s basically the summer months, I have decided that it’s about the right time in my life to finally work jogging into my life’s regimen. So this morning, resolute in my determination, I looked out the window. If there is even a teensy cloud in the sky, my jogging outfit consists of the following:
1.     1.Whatever shirt I was wearing to bed…
2.     2. Covered by a warmer long sleeve shirt
3.     3. Customary jogging shorts
4.    4. Woolen Leggings beneath the shorts.
5.    5.  Sweatpants on top of that.
6.    6. Snowboarding socks
7.    7.  Also, usually last nights smeary make up to ward of creepy construction workers that whistle at you while you jog. Gives me peace of mind anyway.
Still, I braved the perfectly fine looking morning and began my jog.
Have you ever been in one place and it’s not raining, and then step into a place right next door and it IS raining in that place? I literally ran headlong into a storm that passed over my apartment and began torrential downpour right along my path. Not only that, but winds reached hurricanic speeds, yanking the blossoming white flower petals from the trees. It looked like I was running through a tornado of snow petals! I realized with pleasure that if I had driven by myself in a car, I would have shivered vicariously for myself!
On my way home (which, admittedly occurred five minutes after the start of my jog), I passed a bunch of other hardcore joggers along the way. Rather than pitying and admiring them, I finally felt a sense of solidarity with them (even if they were wearing shorts and t-shirts). With pride and pleasure, I crossed “being a hardcore jogger” off my life’s bucket list in one day!
I’m never doing that again!
Don’t you just like the look on her face? Hardcore. Determined. Warm.


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I think I’ve shared this with you before, but I’m not a graceful person. Nor do I ever plan on being a graceful person. When people see me coming at fast food restaurants, the employees don their ponchos and man the napkin booths, discretely dropping stacks of napkins on my food tray for the inevitability that food gets all over my shirt–or all over their shirts (I’m that spasmodic with a hamburger). Other manifestations of my lack of physical dexterity: I trip. A lot. Lately, I’m like Adele Webber, and ten points to you if you catch my allusion.
Take last night for instance: I was trying to remove my impediment boots, boots that normally are the cause of my stumbles, and in the process, I nearly fell–derriere-first–onto the floor. Were it not for my safety net of tall boy, I would have fallen to my tailbone’s demise. But you see, I’m not graceful in Vans, let alone very tall boots with large heels that aerate the lawn.
Which brings me to my point. My new boyfriend and I have a tallness problem. I’m not sure if the problem is his fault for being too tall, or my fault for being too short.
For proof, I have included the following photos:
Do you see the angle of incline that our necks are being forced to perform? Do you understand the inherent difficulties of craning? (Please note: in this picture, I am wearing three-inch heels).

And take this photo for example. See, here, the height difference doesn’t actually look all that alarming.
But friends, I encourage you to look closer, or at least scroll downward.

Friends, it appears I will be condemned to heels for quite some time. I feel like perhaps I should get better insurance, or perhaps join a group called “Short Support,” where we all get together and whine about not being able to get things on the top shelf, or practice wearing stilts.
Are there any Sh-All (Short Tall) couples out there who have had successful lives together that can share their words of wisdom? Would anyone like to alleviate my stress by telling us how cute we are together?
Because… honestly, truth be said in full, I’m not so worried about the height difference. I just wanted to show off my new boyfriend! Isn’t he handsome? And so very tall?