This is the kind of post that internet trolls say mean things after. Because this is a post about my blankee.

Yes. I am 23 and 1/2 years old, and I still have a blankee. I still love my blankee. I brought my blankee across the country to be with me in Chicago. Sadly, it doesn’t look very blankee-like anymore.

It used to be soft, pink, and have embroidered hearts on it. 

The embroidered layer has worn away and got tangled in every successive wash (I wash it once a week, with my whites)

Recently I’ve noticed that you can kind of tie it together and it will take on another shape, if you’re feeling more “stuffed animal” that night.

Here it is: my (other) constant companion, my pillow, my comfort object. It’s not like I carry it around with me wherever I go. I can go weeks without it. I’m not dependent on it; I just like it.

No one has really understood my Linus tendencies. My dad sold his blankee to his parents for a nickel when he was 6, and he keeps offering to do the same (to be fair, he’s teasing). And I’ve had too many ex-boyfriends really misunderstand the blankee–sometimes in a very mean way. And to be honest, I didn’t blame them. Most of the time they were harsh about my blankee, I thought, Maybe they’re right. Maybe it’s time to get rid of it. 

Those of you who know Jeremy and I well know this story already, but allow me to give you some insight on the type of man that Jeremy is for those who don’t know him. One night during our courtship, Jeremy and I were returning from a late night thing, and I was floppy-useless-tired, so Jeremy tucked me in. Unfortunately, I had left my blanket exposed, so he tugged at it and asked what it was.

I grimaced, bracing myself for the ridicule that always comes at the exposure of my biggest vulnerability. But he didn’t mock or scorn or tease.

He said, “Tell me about it.”

So I did, and he just laughed in an ever-endearing way, and said, “If anything, this just makes me like you more. Sierra Robinson: Scourge of the dating world–Blanket Owner.”

First of all, how can you resist a man who calls you the scourge of the dating world, and second of all, how could you not immediately fall in love with someone who loves you for your most tender, most vulnerable secret? It was the 2nd time in our relationship that I knew I wanted to marry him. Maybe someday I will blog about times 1 and 3.

I promised I would put my blankee away when we got married. Jeremy never indulged in this idea.

Every night without fail, my Jeremy Man fluffs my pillow, straightens my sheets, says “Legs!” which means I have to snap my legs into place for optimum tuckage, and swaddles my sheets around me. Then, every night, he sends me off into dreamland by finding my blanket and tucking it gently in between my arms and underneath my chin. Right where I like it.

And even though we are living such a grown-up life–married, in a Chicago high-rise, with big-people jobs–I am glad that he didn’t make me grow up all the way.

  1. Jun 26, 2012
    Joshua Wartena

    It's totally okay! I'm 22 and still have my blankee under my bed. Good job!

  2. Jun 26, 2012

    Awww what a sweet hubby! I'd say he's a keeper. 🙂

  3. Jun 26, 2012
    Annie McNeil

    First of all, how can you resist a man who calls you the scourge of the dating world, and second of all, how could you not immediately fall in love with someone who loves you for your most tender, most vulnerable secret?

    Truthy. Very truthy.

    Yo man sounds like a gem, Sierra. So happy for you guys!

  4. Jun 26, 2012

    I think I can see the face of Yoko Ono in your blankee. About 2/3 of the way down on the right. Its a blankee miracle!

  5. Jun 27, 2012
    Ariel Tyler

    This is the cutest/ sweetest story! The "legs!" part made me laugh. Sounds like a great guy!

  6. Jun 28, 2012

    First of all, I thought this post was so incredibly sweet. My goodness, I loved it. Second, I read your about me section. I have read "The History of Love" twice. I was still a little confused the second time I read it, and I don't particularly love the story. But seriously… I read it because nearly every single page has a beautiful or heartbreaking quote. I just want to highlight the whole thing, or take those beautiful words and pretend they are my own.

  7. Jun 29, 2012

    My husband and I have a nightly routine as well (it involves swapping the sides of the bed and then he tickles my back until I'm sleepy).

    I loved this post.

  8. Jul 01, 2012

    Um I have a stuffed dog I sleep with named Kelly. After Kelly Kawpowski…from Saved by the Bell. I've had her since I was 3 and my mom tries to wash it every time I come home…it's a battle every time. I love this post and love your blog!!
