This semester I find myself “marginally employed,” meaning that since I was a TA, but now have an unmovable class during the class I TA-ed for, I am now a mere Writing Fellow. I’ve never gone into a semester of school without a job. I’ve been able to provide for myself, I think, exceptionally well since I started college, so now I find it a little bit humbling that Jeremy is doing such a good job providing for me.

I admit, I’ve gotten to that place where I am having a college-life crisis: I am realizing just how much work household maintenance requires, and Jeremy and I both agreed that it might be nice this semester if I just focused on school work and keeping the house sane. While some might welcome the break, one of the hallmarks of my character is how hard I push myself. I like to work hard. I love to work hard. And admittedly, I like making money.
But today, as I’m New Years Resolutioning all over the place, I have learned that there is great joy in channelling my hard work energy into being a wife for a little bit. And here are the fruits of my efforts:
 1. I packed away all our Christmas Decorations. We don’t have a lot yet, but I still felt cool wrapping my ornaments in bubble wrap. 

2. I proudly made THIS mess of the kitchen while making a MARTHA STEWART healthy meal. 

 3. I did cutesy crap like the above. I’m a little disgusted with myself for this one, but at least Jeremy will eat tomorrow. Maybe next time I will do it without the heart.
4. Self Explanatory. 
5. This is a picture of an empty laundry machine, which symbolizes the fact that I did three loads of laundry, but didn’t take pictures of it in the process because whoever thought doing the laundry was blog worthy.

6. I organized the CHRISTMAS CANDY. We have two more jars full on the other shelf.

7. I organized the shelves. Top = Dinner Shelf. Middle = Lunch Shelf. Bottom= Dessert Shelf
8. I put all new pictures in our crazy frame. 

9. I accomplished about a third of my before-school starts To Do List.

10. I even wore this.
So the scary thing about all these accomplishments is that I am boring myself (and probably you too) just writing about them. Yet I feel accomplished at the same time. Maybe that’s the life of a housewife? I need to start listening to books on tape for this semester. And then I need to get an awesome job for the summer.
*Fear not. I am now officially scared that my blog has become a Mormon Housewife Blog, and I will henceforth begin the process of… not making it so.

  1. Jan 20, 2012

    You know I always thought being a housewife was stupid until I realized that it is simply a job I have at this time. And who doesn't want to be awesome at their job? Even if most of it is easy stuff, doing it all together all the time is definitely not. Wear it with pride 🙂
