In an effort to get my students in the spirit of Transcendentalism and to “Simplify, simplify, simplify!” I have asked my students to create their own personal “Walden” of sorts.

I have students camping out in the backyard… although admittedly I think their dedication to this pursuit might waver now that the snow is now 6 inches deep. Students have volunteered to not look in the mirror for a week to purge their lives of vanity. Several of my students are opting to walk everywhere rather than to drive, and to experience nature in its most authentic state.

But most of my students, rather begrudgingly, have decided that to “simplify” means to eliminate technology in their lives. I, too–for the purpose of empathy– have decided to go on a seven day “Screen Fast” with my students starting Monday. This means that, save for academic purposes, I will not be using anything with a screen that I am admittedly somewhat addicted.

 Goodbye Facebook. 

 Adios Texting. 

 Hasta La Vista Parks and Recreation. I think I will miss you most.

I am dreading this week a little, but I am also morbidly excited for the challenge. I am excited for the torture of listening to myself think. I am excited for the solitude. I am excited for the undistracted time with Jeremy and Hufflepuff.

… And I am a little bit excited for the weekend I will spend after getting caught up on my shows.

Here’s to you, Henry David Thoreau.


  1. Nov 12, 2012
    Kris Olson

    So cool. I wish I had the guts to do this. Maybe when school is out. 🙂

  2. Nov 12, 2012

    we'll miss you Sierra!
